At a time when some U.S. colleges and universities are struggling to maintain enrollments, HAU is busting at the seams with new students eager for an education that they understand is their way out of poverty. 

 But as many of our supporters will know, this enrollment growth is a mixed blessing.  We welcome this influx of students; it is a good thing.  But the university also must work really hard to make sure it accommodates these students and provides them a high-quality educational experience.  To do this, HAU needs additional scholarships, teachers, classrooms, computers, internet capacity, and other resources.  So, while all of us associated with HAU are rejoicing and thanking God for sending this bumper-crop of new students our way, we are also acutely aware that this means more work for those who want to see this amazing young institution continue to grow not just in numbers but in quality.

We hope you will continue to join Friends of Hope Africa in making HAU a light on a hill in Burundi.  We covet your prayers, your volunteer teaching, and your financial support. We invite you to use our monthly prayer calendar published on our website to pray for the specific needs of the university and for FHAU board members as we attempt to meet the needs of the institution.


Betty Overton, President, Friends of Hope Africa