How can you be involved?

Friends of Hope Africa University is always striving to help Hope Africa University complete the amazing projects it is working on.

Financial support is needed for a number of capital projects and for student assistance through scholarships. You can donate online!


Tuition and costs at Hope Africa University are:

  • $1,500 per year for undergraduates,
  • $2,000 for nursing and undergraduate medical students (first three years), and
  • $3,500 for medical students in their upper three years.

Funds given for student assistance are administered by a university committee and distributed based on individual need.

Needs for Facilities Improvement and Expansion:
There are naming and memorial possibilities for major projects. For information contact

  • $85,000 for staff house at Kibuye Hope Hospital ($25,000 received, remaining need $60,000)
  • $80,000 for a four unit classroom building at the Mt. Hope campus. Entire campus can be built and equipped for $2,000,000, with naming opportunity.
  • $95,000 for a four unit quad guesthouse on the main campus in Bujumbura.  Naming opportunity.
  • $25,000 each for two reserve diesel generators, one for the Van Norman clinic at the main campus and one for Kibuye Hope Hospital.
  • $15,000 for an engineering study on infrastructure needs (electrical power, water and sanitation) for Kibuye Hope Hospital.
  • $75,000 for Tech Infrastructure including new computers and software to connect all of the University departments and malware prevention.
  • $50,000 for Voice of Hope Radio to replace transmitter and rewire tower and upgrade the broadcast studio to climate control sensitive equipment.

We have had to increase the amounts required to cover some of these needs because of increasing costs for materials.  Thanks to responses to our requests we have been able to cover the cost of the quad guesthouse at Kibuye and the van for student transport.

Support for Hope Africa University has come from gifts as small as a few dollars to grants in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can be a part of the ministry of this school by donating online or by sending your gift to:

Friends of Hope Africa University
PO Box 580
Spring Arbor, MI 49283.

Friends of Hope Africa University is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit (see our finances page for more information).

On your check you may indicate your preference for its use by noting on the memo line:

  • Scholarships
  • Operations
  • Facilities
  • University
  • Clinic
  • Hospital
  • Radio

We also accept some gifts in kind, especially items needed by the university. Please contact us if you have non-monetary items to donate.